
How To Set Up Virtual Environment

Are you a Machine Learning Engineer and working with Python and Jupyter Notebook? In this commodity, you will come across why Virtual Environment is needed, the difference betwixt some existing tools and how to add a virtual environment to Jupyter Notebook.

Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

Here is the article outline:

  • Why demand Virtual Environment?
  • What is the departure betwixt virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, penv and venv?
  • Create a Virtual Environment using virtualenv
  • Add together Virtual Environment to Juypter Notebook

Why need Virtual Environment?

Like other programming linguistic communication, Python has its own way of downloading, storing and resolving packages (or libraries). By default, every Python project on your machine will use the default Python site-packages directory (Which is associated with the main Python installation and is represented every bit base(root) environment). You tin can find that by:

          >>> import site
>>> site.getsitepackages()

Imagine a scenario where you are working on two machine learning projects and one of them uses TensorFlow v1.five and the other uses TensorFlow v2. This would be a real problem since Python can't differentiate between versions in the site-packages directory. Both TensorFlow v1.5 and TensorFlow v2 would reside in the aforementioned directory with the same proper noun. Since in that location is no differentiation between versions, both projects would be required to employ the same version, which is unacceptable in this example. This is where virtual environments tools come into play.

The main purpose of Python virtual environments is to create an isolated environment for Python projects. Each project can have its own dependencies, regardless of what dependencies every other project has.

In addition, a virtual environment is also useful when you need to work on a shared organisation and exercise non accept permission to install packages as you will be able to install them in the virtual environment.

Here are some popular libraries/tools for you to create virtual environment in Python: virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, pvenv and venv.

If you lot are interested on using conda to create virtual environment, y'all can have a look:

What is the difference between virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, pvenv and venv?

  • virtualenv : is the most popular library to create isolated Python environs. You can become it by running pip install virtualenv . Information technology works past making an exact copy of your Python interpreter binary (the python or python3) in a local directory. Activating an environment is done by modifying the PATH environment variable to prefix it with a custom bin directory.
  • virtualenvwrapper : is a set of extension to virtualenv. It gives you commands like mkvirtualenv, lssitepackages, and especially workon for switching between different virtualenv directories. This tool is very useful if you desire multiple virtualenv directories.
  • pyvenv : is a library shipped with Python three, simply depreciated in Python three.6 because it had issues.
  • venv : is a library shipped with Python iii.iii+. You can run using python3 -m venv <path_to_new_env>. Information technology serves the same purpose as virtualenv, and additionally you can extend it.

virtualenv continues to be more than popular than venv, especially since the one-time supports both Python 2 and 3. The general recommendation for beginners is that start by learning virtualenv and pip, which piece of work both Python ii and three. And in a variety of situations, choice up other tools once you lot start needing them.

Create a Virtual Environs using "virtualenv"

Install the virtualenv

Check if you lot accept virtualenv

          which virtualenv        

If no, enter the following in your terminal to install it.

          pip install virtualenv        

Create a virtual environment

To create a virtual environs in the current directory:

          virtualenv <my_env_name>        

Here is an case to create a virtual environment "nlp" in the current directory "/Users/admin/Code/WorkSpace/python-venv/".

          ⇒  virtualenv            nlp            
Using base of operations prefix '/Users/admin/anaconda3'
New python executable in /Users/admin/Code/WorkSpace/python-venv/nlp/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, bicycle...

Create an environment with a specific version of Python

You lot can besides use the Python interpreter of your choice (like python2.7).

          virtualenv            -p /usr/bin/python2.7            <my_env_name>        

Create an environs from a requirements.txt file

Typically the steps y'all ever take are:

  1. virtualenv <my_env_name> to create a new surroundings
  2. source <my_env_name>/bin/activate to activate the new environment
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt to install the requirements in the current environment

Culling, you can consider using pipenv, which combines pip and virtualenv.

Activate the virtual environment

You lot can activate the virtual environment by running the post-obit control:

          source <my_env_name>/bin/activate        

Here is an example to activate the "nlp":

          ⇒  pwd
source nlp/bin/activate ⇒ which python

Conciliate the virtual surround

To deactivate the current environment you lot tin can blazon:


Cheque which Environs you are in

Y'all tin can verify apace yous are in the environs by running which python or which pip which will return the path of the python executable in the environment if all went well:

          ⇒  which python
⇒ which pip

Remove an surround

To remove an surroundings, make sure you take deactivated it, then cd into the surround directory and type

          sudo rm -rf <my_env_name>        

Add Virtual Environment to Jupyter Notebook

Makes certain that the IPython kernel is bachelor, only you have to manually add a kernel with a different version of Python or a virtual surround.

First, you need to activate your virtual environment.

Next, install ipykernel which provides the IPython kernel for Jupyter:

And then, you tin can add your virtual surround to Jupyter past typing:

          python -g ipykernel install --user --proper name=<my_env_name>        

For example: add together virtual environs "nlp" to Jupyter and it should print the post-obit:

          ⇒  python -m ipykernel install --user --proper name=nlp            
Installed kernelspec nlp in /Users/admin/Library/Jupyter/kernels/nlp

Afterwards that, you could cd into the env folder and inspect the configuration file kernel.json

Now you are able to choose the surroundings as a kernel in Jupyter Notebook. Here is what that would look similar:

Select a Virtual Surround from Jupyter Notebook

Alter Virtual Environment in an opened notebook

Remove Virtual Environment from Jupyter Notebook

After you deleted your virtual environment, you'll desire to remove information technology also from Jupyter. Let'south showtime meet which kernels are available. You can list them with:

          ⇒  jupyter kernelspec listing
Available kernels:
d2l /Users/admin/Library/Jupyter/kernels/d2l
nlp /Users/admin/Library/Jupyter/kernels/nlp

Now, to uninstall the kernel, you can blazon:

          jupyter kernelspec uninstall <my_env_name>        


And that's about information technology. Thanks for reading.

How To Set Up Virtual Environment,


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